Thursday, April 13, 2017

Don roasts the Donald

You're yuge, Donny

The ghost of Don Rickles meets the spooky Donald Trump, and fires up a one-man roast:

“Hiya, Donald, how ya doin’? You’re looking good, for a wax dummy. I get the idea, though—you’re coming in after Obama, so orange is the new black, right?

“What’s that on your head, though? Can I pet it?
“And that tie. You could land a small plane on it. It’s ‘uge!

“I tell you, I’ve known you a long time, Donny, and I can say from the bottom of my heart: I’ve never liked you. You’ve always been a schmuck. I guess it’s true what they say: Any nobody can grow up to be President.

“So now you’re living in the White House—you gotta like that name, huh?—unless you’re staying at Mar-a-Lago, which means “No coloreds allowed,” I understand.
“Actually, you’ve got a black man in your cabinet, Ben Carson, which proves that you’re no bigot—you’ll hire anybody, as long as they’re stupider than you.
“At least when Doctor Ben blows up his department, you can always say the operation was a success, even though the patient died.

“How’s your golf game, Don? How’s your putter? I hear you’re short on a lot of holes?
“How’s your wife? She’s serving a term, too—I’d call it a prison term, but at least in prison there’s sex.
“What about your son, the one with the misspelled name? There’s one “R” in Baron, Don, ya moron, like there’s one “P” in “tap.”
“And those two other boys—sharp as a tack, for a couple of ghouls. You can tell they really love you, Don—like a barnacle loves a whale.

“Kidding aside, Donny, you don’t have to be a good speller to be President. You just have to be smart. So how in hell did you get elected, ya nosebag?
“They say you have to have smart people around you, at least. So why Steve Bannon? Hey, Steve, have another drink and shut up.

“You might be a cretin, Don, but I gotta admit you always see more than others do. Like all those people at your inauguration.

“I’ll say one thing, though, Don—you’re consistent. You’ve always been a loser. What kind of a sad sack puts his name on a building?
“Those little circles you make with your fingers when you’re giving a speech? Zeroes, I assume?

“You’ve got your critics, Don, but just go right on calling them the losers. You’re President, and they’re not.

“So congratulations, Don—it couldn’t have happened to a creepier guy.”