Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas mourning

'Twas the morn before Christmas, and all through the House
Not a creature was stirring, except the Head Louse;
His cell phone he clutched in his wee grubby paws,
While he tweeted to all of his visit from Claus.

"He came by to thank me," crowed President Trump
("I wish Mar-a-Lago was home, not this dump");
"Toys for the kids? -- It was all my idea;
Christmas is great again, all thanks to me."

"Santa's a great guy, a good friend of mine;
As a matter of fact, he brought me some wine,
To toast the yugest and best Christmas yet,
And me, the smartest dude he's ever met."

So tweeted our fabulous Braggart-in-Chief --
Merry Christmas to all, and from all a "good grief!"