Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanks for the memories

It’s Thanksgiving eve, and a grateful nation is preparing to give thanks to the Giver of All Things -- Donald J. Trump. Besides the roller-coaster sensations of great stretches of queasiness interspersed with moments of pure terror, our President has bestowed upon us in bountiful measure one of life’s greatest blessings: something to laugh at.  

Our Kidder-in-Chief kicked off the show by declaring that his Inauguration crowd was the largest in history, that his win was a “massive” landslide, and that he would have won the popular vote if it hadn’t been for the 3 million immigrants who voted illegally. People chuckled, and he was off and running.

After three months at the helm, he said that no administration in history had ever accomplished more in its first 90 days. That was a knee-slapper, something like Genghis Khan declaring that no horde had ever slaughtered more people than his.  

He told us that we’d put up a wall and the Mexicans would pay for it. Har de har har. He said that the IRS was auditing his tax returns and that he’d hand them over when they were done, and then he said that he wouldn’t hand them over after all. Funny, because he’d hounded Barack Obama about showing his birth certificate, in the interest of “transparency.”  

He called the White House “a dump.” He told a racy story at a Boy Scout convention. Pure slapstick.

He visited Corpus Christi, site of a hurricane, and crowed “What a turnout!” to the crowd hoping to hear him discuss helping them. He tossed paper towels to the crowd in Puerto Rico. His comedy can be physical, too!

He visited the Holocaust Museum in Israel, and signed the guest book, “It’s a great honor to be here with all my friends. So amazing + will Never Forget!” What a guy!

He went to Africa and referred to the non-existent country of Nambia. He said that he’d spoken to “the President of the Virgin Islands,” which is he himself, Donald J. Trump. He flirted with the French president’s wife: “You’re in good shape,” he told her. “Beautiful.” Amusing to everyone, perhaps, except his own wife, who was standing right there?

He said that there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville. He praised the president of the Philippines, a self-confessed murderer. He said Roy Moore’s got a point.

He said he’d be dating his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. He praised Vladimir Putin, over and over, but said that NFL players were disrespecting the flag.

He said that Frederick Douglass was doing an amazing job. He hired Anthony Scaramucci!

For these and many other comedic moments, we are thankful. President Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.