Friday, April 21, 2017

Bartlett defines Trump

Some of Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, applied to our Commander-in-Chief:
Maybe he'll get stuck down therre

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. And we all know, because he constantly reminds us, that Donald Trump’s mind isn’t little. It’s yuge! He knows more than the generals about the military; he knows more than anyone in the world about taxes, about banking, about money, about “the system,” about trade, about infrastructure, about “the horrors of nuclear.” Also about changing his mind.

Stone walls do not a prison make…” – Richard Lovelace. That’s why we have to have more actual prisons, and why Mr. Prez Trump enthusiastically supports private prisons, whose stock has been soaring since candidate Trump endorsed them during his campaign. The federal prison population has been steadily falling over the last several years, even though the U. S. still leads the world. If we’re going to make America great again, we’ve got to stuff our prisons to the max, and make sure that the incarcerated stay put, something that’s more easily facilitated when stockholders’ profit and loss are involved.

Golf is a good walk spoiled.”—Mark Twain. But it’s a nice ride, for Trump, unlike the ride he’s giving us, the humble taxpayers. Each Trumpian golf vacation to Mar-a-Lago costs us about $3.6 million; so far Trump has taken 14 of them. But let’s not begrudge our beleaguered leader a little time away from the worries of the Office. I say we encourage him to play golf every day, and let someone else take a swing at running the country.

Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” – Ben Franklin. Trump has proven half the adage wrong: what could be more uncertain than a Trump tax disclosure?

Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” – Winston Churchill. You could say that about Trump’s Russian relations. Was his affair with Putin a dalliance or a full-blown bromance? What was Russia’s motivation for interfering in the Presidential election? And how much does it cost to have a Russian whore pee on a bed?

All children are essentially criminal.” – Denis Diderot. President Trump’s grown sons, Eric and Don Jr. (Weasel and Slinky), are now at the helm of their father’s business empire. Eric has visited the Dominican Republic to oversee a project, despite the Trumpster’s pledge to undertake no new overseas deals, and also to Uruguay, a trip which cost taxpayers about $100,000. The kids’ old man has refused to divest himself of his assets, while pledging that everything will be on the up-and-up.

Truth is stranger than fiction.” – Lord Byron. President Trump has taken this old saw to heart, resolving to stick to fiction whenever possible.         

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