Monday, March 27, 2017

Dancing with the Devil

When I was in high school, we had a ceremony in the football stadium one spring to elect the Prom Queen and her court. The nominees had to walk out to the center of the football field to receive the acclamation of the crowd. One of the girls nominated (by some jokester) was the ugliest girl in the senior class—in the entire school, for that matter.
As the poor girl—I’ll call her Jane—trudged out onto the field, she was bowed down by the gales of sardonic laughter. When she was elected, by the volume of cheers, as Senior Attendant to the Queen, she began to weep.
It was funny, in a perverse sort of way—for ten seconds or so. Then we realized what we’d done.

Nobody in our school knew Jane very well, or at all. She was silent and withdrawn—not like those homely girls who made up for their looks with "personality." Her predominant—her only--facial expressions were a scowl and a glare, which she returned to anyone whose eyes even innocently or inadvertently fell on her. I’d never heard her utter a word.    

Jane, as it turned out, gamely showed up on Prom Night, and went through with the whole grim charade, with a scowl and a glare. Jane was Jane—an ugly duckling to the end.
There was an end, at least. Jane was royalty for a night, and then we were done with her.
Donald J. Trump is the Ugly Prom Queen from Hell.

Trump’s candidacy for President was a grotesque novelty, and his election the upshot of an obscene joke, one that was carried on to excruciating lengths. After Trump was swept into office by our collective bad taste, we held our breaths until Inauguration Day, hoping that our man would become more “Presidential” in the interim.
It was an untenable hope, and we knew it. We all knew what we were getting, to a point, with Trump: an ego-driven, ignorant, incurious, humorless, preening peacock--in short, a narcissistic slob. Then we watched and recoiled in horror as, over the next few months, the true extent of the man’s moral bankruptcy was revealed.  

As well as being a liar of monumental proportions, Trump is a hollow braggart and a poltroon. He dreams up baseless accusations and leaves it for others to sort them out. He takes credit for what others have accomplished, but shirks responsibility for his failures; if he even acknowledges them as failures, he makes sure there’s always a fall guy around. Without ever having read a book, he fancies himself the smartest person in any room. Being suspicious of “the arts,” he’d like to abolish them.  

Sometimes when I think about Trump I think of Jane (who also had orange hair and complexion, by the way). What would it be like to live for years with someone who was ugly inside and out? (Which is not to deny the possibility that Jane might have led a perfectly lovely inner life.)

I guess I’ll have to wait and find out. 

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